Monday, November 30, 2009

.: aL KiSaH RaYa HaJi Ku :.

aidiladha tahun ni banyak keistimewaannya...
tahun ni 1st time aku beraya di kampung orang..
which is kampung daddy di Kuala Terengganu..
family daddy sangattt baik..dan sukaaa masak...aku sangatttt gembira!!!hehehe

MRD's step mom cook the best nasi dagang in the whole wide world..
begitu jugak dengan tomyam sotong...n bawal masak pedas...sangat best!!!
ada juga nasi minyak..pulut..gulai daging..gulai tongkol..bbq daging..semua nye best2..

my future sister in law (kak ngah) is now 4 months pregnant!
great news for everyone..
adik (lily) is getting more creative with needle and threads..
good job! hantaran kak ngah and props meja makan beradab aritu pun sangat cantik..
tak payahla kak baby buat kan hantaran sebelah along nnt

a day before hari raya is Makcik Yam's birthday..
where i hope this 2 special events will bring her most joy in life..amin..
teringat kat makcik yam sebab dia juga suka masak..
especially my fav laksa johor..memang terbaik!

I called mama at kampung..looked like they are having much fun going out
(3 generations girls outing)best nye..!!

the day for so called engagement is coming really soon..
the buy and DIY have to be planned by this month..
happy nye saya..
i love u this much (only he knows) my rawking daddy!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

.: bEaDsy!!! :.

malam tadi saya sangat teruja untuk memenuhkan baju kurung mini saya with beads..
semua sempena sambutan raya haji yang bakal di sambut di Terengganu..
walaupun kain tidak mahal tapi kalau ada sure it will be awesome!
especially bila dibuat sendiri..mmg lebih puas hati..

dari kol 7pm hingga ke 1am baru siap 40% adoiii!!!

gara2 bead pulak nak abes..
takkan nak raya dengan baju manik separuh je..
takpe malam ni aku akan berusaha lagi..
btw forgot to snap the pic of the beaded baju..tonite..i'll snap them!

::inilah sedikit hasil karya ku::

sangat teruja untuk belajar buat yang macam ni..!!!

.: pUtUs :.

bukit putus menghala kampung aku pun dah buat highway..
mmg bukit tu dah betus2 putus..hehehe

tapi yelah cik by..
lagu yang ko letak kat facebook itu best...

so aku letak la sini..kongsi ngan kawan2..

Melda Ahmad-Putus

Aku duduk sendirian dikamarku,
menangis kesepian kernamu,
kau tinggalkan aku,
kau cari yg lain,
tergamakmu merobek hatiku.

Tapi setelah kau pegi aku
mendapat lebih baik darimu,
dia hargai aku,

dia sayangi aku
lebih daripadamu,
aku ingin kau tahu betapa ku gembira,
tidak lagi bersamamu,
namun pastinyar nanti kau akan sedari,

yang kau perlu cintaku,
yang kau perlu cintaku,
yang kau perlu cintaku….

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

.: bAnJiR oWh bAnJiR :.

ok..the above topic refers...(dah macam buat surat kat opis aku plak)
actually..talking about floods ni..this raya haji im going back to Kuala Terengganu..
my PIL wannabe's kampung..hihihihi
so My Rawking Daddy said balik sana ada banyakkkk BBQ..
so i was excited with sooo many thing:
  • meeting mama n abah n makcik n yati n lily
  • makannnnn bbq kambing lembu hunta
  • makannnn sata
  • makannnn sotong goreng tepong tepi laut
urghhhh ...nape aku tak focus ngan diet aku?? So salahkan MRD!!

tapi bila banjir ni banyak la activity limitation..limit tidak sesuai untuk aku yang mempunyai gaya hidup sihat dan aktif..ughhh..
such as...
  • tak boleh keluar malam (nnt termasuk longkang)
  • tak boleh mandi laut (in fact aku tak mandi laut pon)
  • tak boleh makan kepok lekor..nnt dapat taun (hopefully dah ok)
  • tak boleh jalan jauh2 ke arah kelantan (keta aku lowered..hahaha)
  • tak boleh tak makan..sebab nnt duk umah aje org tua kecik ati jika makanan tidak dijamah...betul tak???
facebook hari ini sangat keji..nape aku still takleh bukak kebun haku???mentang2 kebun haku dah berjaya..nak curi la tu..possible kan farmville ada disaster macam main sim city???mungkin kah kebun aku banjir?
jap g sambung balik ye kawan2 tercantik dan terhensem sekalian..

p/s-gambar takde sebab malas nak amik

Monday, November 23, 2009

.: mAaFiN GiNa Ya :.

sorry kawan2 tercantik n terhensem sekalian..
bukan diri ini mau memulaukan blogspot atau mula menjadi secretive atau ape2 pon yang sewaktu dengan nye..
semua gara2 keje yang banyak..bila ada masa free pula banyak dihabiskan dengan menanam pokok2 di farmville ku..
ok lets get straight (ewah2 cam ada gaya nak end cepat2 g harvest kebun..hakhak) to the best part..

since i have photos of shaloh, one of daddy's igu..aku pun letaklah dalam ni..
cerita pasal shaloh..

shaloh sudah obese..dari kajian rambang aku, obviously he had turned me as an idol..
compared to shrek..i think he's more to daddy..
in fact his behavior is sooo like me..
territorist not terrorist..ate alot (owh not so me..hihi)..sleep well..kerek!(like daddy said i am)..gangster (respect the don) and manja at last (after a few touch and special treatment including tid-bits) hehehe

so ini adalah shaloh..gambar semasa lepaking wit alang, marl, awan, sher and a few Man U fans at Jamal SS14..

lihatla aksi shaloh yang sebenarnye dah mengantok sgt dah ni...
tetapi part yang kelakar setelah aku bagi makan capati terang benderang mata dia..
siap nak terbang lam plate...haippp!!!gelojoh!

::cubaan memanjat daddy::

::perut berat susah nak lompat::

::berjaya n naik syok..leher daddy dah lenguh sib baik ko kecik..kecik???::

::posse di meja mamak::

::close up hensem::

pastu macam as your dessert..hakhakhak

::showing cuteness::

::showing sexiness::

::showing some teeth::

ok everyone..i'll try to apdet not so old stuff in here..
take care n love u all!!!!!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

.: i'M bAcK..:.

okeh..lets recall..

friday nite, went back top my hometown..
someone is getting married!!!!
congrates MAKSU! kampung doing few chores..
sunday..went back KL.. (includes shopping at ikea n watching Jennifer Body) arrangement n settlement
wednesday..TODAY???owh what i have in mind mice..n buy some sort of lotion of cream or whatever to enlarge my boobies..
(hate it when we lose weight we lose the best size)

ok..jap g sambung..nak harvest kebun!!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

.: aLrEaDy GoNe :.

Already Gone

Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye

Even with our fists held high
It never would've worked out right
We were never meant for do or die

I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hold you, now I can't stop

I want you to know that it doesn't matter
Where we take this road someone's gotta go
And I want you to know you couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on so I'm already gone

Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you want to cry

Started with a perfect kiss then we could feel the poison set in
Perfect couldn't keep this love alive
You know that I love you so, I love you enough to let you go

I want you to know that it doesn't matter
Where we take this road someone's gotta go
And I want you to know you couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on so I'm already gone

I'm already gone, already gone
You can't make it feel right when you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone, already gone
There's no moving on so I'm already gone

Already gone, already gone, already gone
Already gone, already gone, already gone, yeah

Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye

I want you to know that it doesn't matter
Where we take this road someone's gotta go
And I want you to know you couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on so I'm already gone

I'm already gone, already gone
You can't make it feel right when you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone, already gone
There's no moving on so I'm already gone


First time i heard this song..even its not from a slow genre..
it's hurt deep inside..n i choose to swim to the surface..
and when i flew up to the sky i still see it in far inside..
yet i decided not o look down again..
i'm afraid i'll drown in my own hopeless dream