Thursday, April 08, 2010

.: oLd sKoOL cOsMoPoLiTaN :.

i am reading this book..

collection of the best articles from cosmopolitan magazines from 70's n 80's..
which was full of fun tips + nude models...hakhakhak..LOL~
i'll share some review tomorrow ok..

rentetan dari comment cik by (pinjam gambar mak ko ye uya)

gambar mak2 kite masa muda...patut masuk majalah ni..

::my mom::

::uya's mom::

update cerita "the best of cosmopolitan 70's & 80's"

mula2...lihat pic ni:

gempak sih..aku penah buat ujian menaip dpt 31 je hahaha

ini pulak jenis2 senaman leh buat masa kat opis..gilo ko?

this is a british airways ad:

as usual dorang ada tips..which caught my attention is this list..
in order of importance,most sought by men in their perfect woman the following attributes:
  • physical attractiveness
  • ability in bed
  • warmth and affection
  • social skill
  • home-making ability
  • dress sense
  • sensitivity to others needs
  • good taste
  • moral perception
  • artistic creativity
owh im just perfect!!!hihi

nak beli lah..sauna suit tu..heheh:

another an article i found in there:
racism,sexism and ageism are all well known areas of prejudice. "sizeism" is so much part of our culture that we're scarely aware of it unless we happen to be on the receiving end,when we are likely to feel personal guilt instead of anger.being fat is not a big problem-people's attitude can well be
-carol wilson young-hood of my richard gere..awwwhhh!!u're hot!!

motor dulu2 memang honda:

caught my attention!!:

the most unbelievable am ong these are..this pic:

which actually a picture of some recipes...xleh blah nye..

actually there are loads more..but i dont think its essential to put in here..
ok..till then..


Byzura Mj (By) said...

cepat review!

Byzura Mj (By) said...

ok update cepat..aku lupa dah komen belom :D

Baby Gina said...

amboi..laje je ko kan..tapi sekali pandang..gambar cover ni aku teringat muka mak ko ngan mak aku masa muda2 hakhakhak..orang dulu2 lagi daring tau nggak..??

Byzura Mj (By) said...

hahahaha...lawak mak kita memang lawa..kalo aku dicpta sama dengan muka mak aku..pastu pakai tudung seperti umur aku di kala ini...ah..pasti aku ramai peminat :D